
Swiss Robo-Advisor

Looking for funding opportunities

About the service

We provide robo asset management service, including automated onboarding, risk calculation and online identification — in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss financial market regulator FINMA.

The completely new user's dashboard will be released in the next few months.

The algorithm aims to interpret the critical points like the age, citizenship (e.g., US citizenship), financial situation, financial goals, risk aversion of the clients etc. and offers one of the five risk profiles for the predicted portfolios (investment in ETF's).

Silent facts

Company name: Simplewealth AG (plc)

Founded in: 2015

Founders/Shareholders: 1, 100% shares

Regulation: VQF Nr. 100270, FINOS and BOVV (association of Swiss independent asset managers). Planned transition into FINMA direct supervision as an asset manager .

Member of Board: Mr. Marcus Altenburg

Head of compliance: Mrs Halina Steiner

AML Officer: Mrs Anna Altenburg

CTO: Mr. Alexander Kulinich
